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Homework Capital Enclave Campus : Grade 7


Thursday - 13Feb-2025


Grade 7 English Read through and prepare the stories, The Gold Cadillac and Joe's Cat thoroughly for a short quiz tomorrow..


Grade 7 Urdu Ab tak karwaye gye tamam qawaid ki jamati janch Wednesday KO li Jaye gi..

Wednesday - 12Feb-2025

Computer Science:

*Homework* Grade 7 Computer Science Go through 3.1 to 3.4 and highlight the important terms..


Urdu Garde 7 Pakistan K Shaheen K alfaz Mani copy pr likhye..


Grade 7 maths Solve page 56 of booklet. Prepare for a class test of quadrilaterals (whole) on friday..

Tuesday - 11Feb-2025


Grade 7 Research an intruder in an ecosystem of your choice and prepare a report on an A4 .

Computer Science:

Grade 7M Subject:Computer science Read Chapter 3 (3.1, 3.2, 3.3) and highlight key terms. Will check in the next class..


Grade 7 English Complete the sentence formation activity started in the class..


Garde7 Urdu 1-Cha-cha Wallan aur eik Arzoo ki jamati janch Thursday KO li Jaye gi. 2- Wahid jamma ki fehrist Di ja Rahi ha..

Monday - 10Feb-2025


Grade 7 History Write reasons of failure of war of independence 1857. ( 7 marks).


Grade 7 English Attempt the following personal response question: If you were Joe, how would you feel about the move? Explain..


Grade 7 maths Complete page 51 of booklet.

Friday - 07Feb-2025


Grade 7 Attempt activity 4.1.2 and Activity 4.2.1 .

Computer Science:

Grade 7M Subject: Computer science The worksheet is assigned as homework..


*Maths Grade 7* Complete pages 47 to 50 of booklet. Class test of quadrilaterals on Monday.


Grade 7 History Describe causes of War of Independence 1857 with the help of mind map done in class..

Thursday - 06Feb-2025


Garde 7 Urdu Page #110 , question # 3 ky tamam hisoon ki nishandahi Kitab Pr kijiye. Neez Sabaq Pakistan ky Shaheen ki perhai kijiye..


Grade 7 English Prepare for a class check up on Monday. Topic: Reading Comprehension covering the following areas: ?Implicit and explicit questions ?Figures of speech (irony, symbolism, alliteration, onomatopoeia, oxymoron, simile, metaphor) ?The function of different punctuation marks.

Tuesday - 04Feb-2025


Science Grade 7 Attempt workbokk pg 69-71 .


Grade 7: English Attempt the following questions on your comprehension notebooks: 1. Describe Joe's new home in the city in 3-4 sentences only. 2. Why do you think Joe's mother decided to move to the city? 3. What does the kitten symbolize in the story?.


Maths Grade 7 Complete page 40 of the booklet..


Garde 7-Urdu 1- Nazam eik Arzoo ki perhai Kar K is Ka khulasa or markazi kheyal duhraiye. 2- page no 72, sawal no 10 Kitab par pencil sy mukamal kijiye. 3- mutashabih Alfaz ki fehrist Di ja Rahi ha..

Monday - 03Feb-2025


Grade 7 Maths Page 36 Solve Q1,3 and 4 in booklet..


Grade 7 English Read the poem The Road not Taken by Robert Frost on page 9 of Student Book and find out the meanings of the following words: diverged, undergrowth, trodden, sigh, hence.

Friday - 31Jan-2025


Science Grade 7 Attempt workbook pages for topic 3.7 Recap unit where you are lagging in ( based on your test) .


Urdu Garde 7 Read Nazam Eik Arzoo And write down its words meaning on note book.

Thursday - 30Jan-2025


Grade 7 English *Q 1:* Construct complex/ compound sentences of the following phrasal verbs: Jump over, carry on *Q 2:* Construct meaningful sentences of the following phrasal verbs ensuring to use at least one simile/ metaphor/ alliteration in each: put on, to tell.

Tuesday - 29Jan-2025


Grade VII Prepare unit for a test on Friday. .


Grade 7 Urdu Sabaq "Cha-cha Wallan" ki perhai Kr K sawal 2 Kitab pr haal kijiye..


Grade 7 English Find out the meanings of the following phrasal verbs and write them in the Writing Notebooks: Look up, look after, look for, jump over, take off, get up, give up, stay safe, put on, carry on, find out, turn on/off.

Computer Science:

Topic: Programming Slides: 1 to 25 Test Date: Tuesday, 4th February Subject: Computer Science Grade: 7.

Monday - 27Jan-2025


Grade 7 English Prepare for the test covering the following areas: Reading Comprehension Figures of Speech Punctuation Marks.


Maths Grade 7 Page 29 Solve Q3 and 4.

Friday - 24Jan-2025


Maths 7 Complete the drawn question of unknown angles in the notebooks..

Thursday - 23Jan-2025


Grade 7: English Complete your report on the following keeping your *planning* that we did in class in view: Write a report on *Improving School Facilities for an Enhanced Learning Environment at SuperNova School Capital Enclave Campus*.


Urdu Grade 7 1- email Ka last paragraph mukamal kijiye 2-Alfaz mutazad ki fehrist Di ja Rahi ha isy copy pr likh lijiye ( yeh Kam Monday KO check ho ga ).

Wednesday - 22Jan-2025


Maths Grade 7 Solve Parts d, e and f on page 26 of booklet..


Grade 7 Urdu Friday,31 January,2025 Class test of the following topics 1- alfaz mutradif ki fehrist 2- page #16 question #12 3- email Navesi.

Tuesday - 21Jan-2025


Grade 7: English ?The Gold Cadillac Attempt the following questions on *Comprehension Notebooks:* 1. How does this story connect to the broader history of the Civil Rights Movement? (Answer shouldn't be in more than 3-4 sentences) 2. What do the *whites only* signs signify in the story?.


Grade 7 Urdu Reminder for class test Topics : 1-Nazam Naat (SAW) 2- Sabaq Balochistan ki Saiir.


Grade 7 Recap unit 3.1-3.4 for a quick test. .

Monday - 20Jan-2025


Grade 7 History Read book pages 17-18 and make 1 question (only) on each topic on the given pages..


Grade 7 History Read book pages 17-18 and make 1 question (only) on each topic on the given pages..


Grade 7 Maths Solve Page 21 of Booklet..

Friday - 17Jan-2025


Grade 7 Urdu *Alfaz mutradif ki fehrist* Di ja Rahi ha Issy copy pr likh lijiye or Yaad krna shuru Kr Dijiyie..

Computer Science:

Grade 7: Computer science Solve the problems on slides 17 and 18 in the notebook..

Thursday - 16Jan-2025


Grade 7 *History* Read page 16 thoroughly for quiz on Monday. .


Grade 7 *Geography* Do Q2 b on page 96 on notebook..


Maths Grade 7 Class Test of Lines and Angles on Friday.


Grade 7: English Attempt words/ meanings done in class neatly in the Writing Notebooks..


Grade 7 Urdu Nazam 'naat' Orr sabaq 'Balochistan ki saeer' ki jamati janch , Wednesday KO li Jaye gi..

Wednesday - 15Jan-2025


Grade 7, Urdu Dil chaspe Saffar ky haal K bare main nakat izafi safhy pr likh K layin..

Tuesday - 14Jan-2025


Grade 7: English Complete the reading of The Gold Cadillac along with finding the meanings of challenging words using a standard dictionary for discussion tomorrow..


Science Grade VII Atyempt question on pg #87-88 on notebook.


Grade 7 Geography Do question 2 on notebook..


Maths Grade 7 Solve Page 14 of the booklet.

Monday - 13Jan-2025


Grade 7: English Attempt the last two questions of Exercise 4.11 (SB:Page 69) on Comprehension Notebooks.

Friday - 10Jan-2025


Grade 7 Read through pg 78-80. Practoce given questions. Attempt workbook pg # 39-41 .


Grade 7 Maths: Solve pages 8-9 of the booklet..


Grade -7 Urdu Read page no 82,83and 84 Also mark the answers of Question number 3 on book..

Thursday - 09Jan-2025


Grade 7: English Identify language tools from the extract, This little chick along with revising the essentials of summary writing for discussion tomorrow..


Grade -7 Urdu Read page no 79,89and 81..


Grade 7 Geography Do Q1 and 2 on notebook..

Wednesday - 08Jan-2025


Grade 7: English Make complex/ compound sentences of the following words in the Writing/ Language Notebooks: scrawny, confined, equivalent, crammed & enriched.


Maths Grade 7 Do Q1 all parts and Q2 p2 and p6 Pages 3-4 of resource handout..

Tuesday - 07Jan-2025


Grade VII Make a list of forces you observe in daily life. State whether these forces are balanced OR unbalanced. .


Grade 7: English Write down the meanings of the words shared in the class from Unit 4: page 68 in Language/ Writing Notebook..

Thursday - 28Nov-2024


English Grade 7: Pen the summary of The Bermuda Triangle (PG 55) on your practice NB/ Rough register..

Wednesday - 27Nov-2024


Urdu grade 7 Complete the mazmoon started in online class.

Friday - 22Nov-2024

Computer Science:

Grade 7 Subject: Computer Science Homework: Read Chapter 6 and Chapter 1, review the sections, and complete the short questions on the worksheet..


Grade 7 Preapre unit 1 topic included in syllabus and unit 07 for a test on Monday.


Urdu grade 7 Lahoo luhan Kashmir aor hum sab eik Han K mukamal duharai Kr K ayin.


Grade 7 History Analyze the implications of Doctrine of lapse in 5 key points..

Monday - 18Nov-2024


Grade 7: English Attempt Worksheet on formal and informal language.

Friday - 15Nov-2024


Grade 7 Prepare unit 06 for a test on Monday.


Urdu grade 7 Worksheet pr" kheelon Ki ehmiyat" ky mozzo pr email tehreer kijiye..

Computer Science:

Grade 7: computer science Homework: Read the chapter 2 and complete the worksheet..

Thursday - 14Nov-2024


Maths Grade 7 Class Test of Setting Up equations to solve problems..


Urdu Garde 7 Nazam Qumatul Islamia ki perhai kijiye aor zarb ul missal ki duhrai kijiye. Note : Zarb ul missal or alfaz mutradif ki fehristain copy pr chespann Hain..


Grade 7: English Complete narrative essay on language notebooks.

Wednesday - 13Nov-2024

Computer Science:

Class 7: Subject: Computer Science Prepare Chapter 6: Numbers and Data – Sections 6.1 and 6.2 for the test..


Maths Grade 7 Class test of percentages tomorrow..


Urdu grade 7 Sabaq bachay, sawal #3 ky tamam hissy copy pr kijiye..

Tuesday - 12Nov-2024


Grade 7: English Attempt page 28 of the Resource Book..


Urdu Garde 7 Bache chapter ki do martaba parhai kejiye aur Alfaz Maini copy par lijhiye.

Computer Science:

Subject: Computer science Grade 7 Complete the Test Section questions for Topic 2.6: Giving Credit from your textbook..

Monday - 11Nov-2024


Grade 7 Maths Page 4 of percentage WS Do Q4 and Q5 in notebook ..


Urdu Garde 7 Sabaq laho luhan Kashmir ky Alfaz Mani aor Question no 5 K jumly copy py kijiye.


Grade 7: English Revise plurals & affixes.

Thursday - 07Nov-2024


Urdu Grade 7 Page no 64 question no 3 Hussa jeem , daal or hay copy pr kijiye..

Tuesday - 05Nov-2024


Grade 7: English Attempt Exercise on page 55 on language notebooks.

Monday - 04Nov-2024


Grade 7 Maths Solve Q1 parts g to j and Q2 all parts of Exercise 5.7 in notebook..

Friday - 01Nov-2024


Grade 7 Attempt 11-114 of workbook. Read through 198-199 of book and attempt 200 of textbook. .

Computer Science:

Grade 7 Computer science Complete the test questions 1 to 4 on page 41..


Grade 7 Geography Do Q.1 and 2 book page 49 on notebooks..

Monday - 28Oct-2024


Grade 7: English Complete Qs 10-15 of the past paper practice at home..


Maths Grade 7:Solve Q 11 in notebooksPage 35 of Resource Book.

Friday - 25Oct-2024


Grade 7 Read through pg 165-176 Practice calculating purity..


Maths Grade 7 Solve the following Qs in NB Pg 39 of Resource Book Ex 22.1C Q 1,3,4, 6 and 7.

Thursday - 24Oct-2024


Urdu grade 7 Page no 58, Question no 3 Part Alif,bay,jeeem aor Dal copy pr kijiye Yeh kamm Monday KO check ho ga.


Grade 7: English Attempt Qs 5 & 11 of Sharlo's Strange Bargain in literature notebooks..

Wednesday - 23Oct-2024

Computer Science:

Grade 7: computer science homework, Complete the activity on page 161 of textbook..


Grade 7 Maths: Please do following Qs in notebook. Pg 37 Q2 part d Pg 38 Q1, 2 and 3 (Ex 22.1 A).


Grade 7 Urdu Jammat ma karwaye gye mazmoon KO mukamal kijiye.

Friday - 04Oct-2024


*Reinforcement Activity:* Friday, October 4, 2024 *Grade 7:* Mathematics *Activity:* Reinforcement Activity for Factorization *Instructions:* Please complete the given worksheet questions as per your convenience. *Option 1:* The worksheet can be printed and pasted in the copy. *Option 2:* You can directly write the worksheet Questions in your notebook and solve. ) *Note:* Similar Questions have already been covered in class. If still you find any question difficult you can leave that question and move on to the next question..

Download Attached file



REINFORCEMENT ACTIVITY: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 04, 2024 Grade 7: Urdu Activity: ??? ??? ?? ????? ????? Instructions: ??? ??? ?? ?????? ????????? ?? ?? ?? ??? ???? ?? ??? ??? ?? ?????? ?? ????? ?? ????? ??? ????? ????? ???????? ??? ??? ?? ???? ?? ??? ??? ???? ???? ???? ?? ?? ??????.


REINFORCEMENT ACTIVITY: Friday, October 04, 2024 Subject: Science Task 1: Reinforce the topic 'respiratory system' & attempt the interactive online worksheet. Task 2: As a recap, differentiate between: - Breathing & Respiration - Aerobic & Anaerobic respiration - Growth & development - structure of Alveoli Vs Structure of bronchioles. Note: Differentiation be done on notebooks..

Thursday - 03Oct-2024


Grade 7: English Attempt page 17 of the Resource Book..

Wednesday - 02Oct-2024

Computer Science:

Grade 7 Computer science Textbook Activity question 1 to 4 on page 29..

Tuesday - 01Oct-2024


Grade 7: English Write a diary entry of 100-150 words on the following: You're a soldier returning from World War 2. Express your feelings and experiences..


Science Grade 7 Attempt q1-6 on the book. .


Maths Grade 7: Please complete the Algebraic Expressions worksheet as homework. (to be pasted or solved in notebooks).

Monday - 30Sep-2024


Grade 7: EnglishAttempt the 2 questions on The Tempest which have been noted on the diaries..


Urdu Garde 7 Start Revising all the chapters..

Friday - 27Sep-2024


Grade 7 Attempt workbook pg #143 Attempt q 3,4,5 pg #251 on notebooks..


Maths Grade 7: Board Test of Factorization on monday. A grand test from the assessment syllabus will be held on Wednesday.

Computer Science:

Computer Science - Grade 7 Complete the worksheet as homework..

Thursday - 26Sep-2024


English Grade 7: Complete the remaining questions of the Reading Comprehension on page 128 of the Resource Book. Test of Reading Comprehension tomorrow..


Urdu grade 7 Eik nangeen A 4 sheet Pr byegal beig ki shakhsiyat pr note likh Kr laiey. Janch Ka maiyar copy pr likhwa Diya giya ha. This Homework will be checked on Monday..

Wednesday - 25Sep-2024


Urdu Garde 7 Chapter Byegal Baig Write Alfaz Manni. Write sentences of Question no 6 on notebook..


Maths Grade 7 Q2 and 3 all parts page 23 of resource book to be done in notebook.

Tuesday - 24Sep-2024


Grade 7 Recap pg 233-247 for a test tomorrow..

Computer Science:

Grade 7 Computer science: chapter 1 (1.3 and 1.4 ) for test on Friday..


English: Grade 7 Write a short paragraph on the theme of power as portrayed in The Tempest? (Word Count: 100) *Please do it in your LITERATURE NOTEBOOK.*.


Urdu Page 52 Question no 4 Hussa Alif ,bay,jeeem copy pr kijiye..

Monday - 23Sep-2024


English: Grade 7 Read the comprehension passage on page 128 of the Resource Book and attempt questions 1-8 only independently..

Thursday - 19Sep-2024


Maths Grade 7: Ex 5A (page 20 and 21 of resource handout) solve all questions in notebook..


English Grade 7: Complete the comprehension questions on Page 116 & 117 of the Resource Book. Skim the text of *The Tempest* for scanning on Monday..

Wednesday - 18Sep-2024


Urdu grade 7 Page no 34 Alfaz Mani likh Kr laiey aor nishan-dahi karwaye gye 5 Alfaz K jumly bhi copy p banayin.


Maths HW Grade 7: Part i to part n of Page 20 ( Resource PDf) to be solved in notebooks.

Monday - 16Sep-2024


English Grade 7: Read The Tempest (till the end of *Ariel*) & complete your essay.


English Grade 7: Read The Tempest (till the end of *Ariel*) & complete your essay.


Grade 7 Maths: Complete Q3 and Q4 all parts page 19 of Resource Book. (to be done in notebooks).


Urdu -Garde 7 Page no 38 Sawal no 2 Do all parts on copy..

Friday - 13Sep-2024


Grade 7 Maths Solve Q4 all parts ( pg 18) and Q2 all parts (pg 19) of Resource Book..


Science Grade 7 .. prepare unit 1 for a test On Monday.

Computer Science:

Class 7 Computer science: solve activity page 20..


Urdu grade 7 Sabaq Seerat ul Nabi S.A.W ki dobra perhai kijiye.

Thursday - 12Sep-2024


English Grade 7: Complete page 30-34 of Resource Book..


Urdu -Garde 7 Page no 21 Question no 3 Part Alif and by Copy pr kijiye..

Wednesday - 11Sep-2024


Urdu grade 7 Read chp Seerat ul Nabi..


Maths Grade 7 Q 1 and 2 page 18 of resource book.

Friday - 06Sep-2024


*Grade 7* Read pg #97 of textbook .. Attempg pg #10-13 of workbook. .


Grade 7: English Prepare Figures of Speech for the Check up.

Thursday - 05Sep-2024


Grade 7: English Prepare Figures of Speech for the Check up.


Urdu grade 7 Diye gye link KO click kr K sawalat ky jawab dijiye. Ap unwan K mutabiq tasveer bhi upload Kr sakty Han .

Wednesday - 04Sep-2024


Grade 7 Maths: Complete remaining questions of Ex 2.6 and Ex 6.1 For students refering to 3rd Ed. Please do Q1 to Q4 only of Ex 6.1.

Tuesday - 03Sep-2024


Grade 7 Explain how 'breathing in' and 'breqthing out' takes place. Attempt q2 pg #21 on the notebook..


English Grade 7: Complete the Descriptive Paragraph on Tropical Forest in Neat NBs..


Urdu grade 7 Nazma Hamad ki jamati janch agly Monday KO li Jaye gi.

Monday - 02Sep-2024


Grade 7: English Read the *Sample of Descriptive Writing* on page *60* of the *Resource Book*.


Maths Grade 7: Do Q3 part c of Ex 2.5 and Q1 all parts of Ex 2.6 in notebooks.

Friday - 30Aug-2024


Grade 7: Please bring materials for an activity on pg #20.. Find out why we feel difficulty in breathing when we have a chest infection. .


Grade 7: English Complete activities on page 6 & 7 of the Resource Book. (Simple, compound and complex sentences).

Wednesday - 28Aug-2024


Complete page 46 & 47 from the Resource Pack.

Monday - 26Aug-2024


Complete Q1 all parts of Ex2. 8.

Friday - 23Aug-2024


Grade 7 Draw the respiratory system and reinforce the functions of each organ. .


Complete all parts of Q3 Ex 2.3 in notebooks..

Wednesday - 21Aug-2024


Solve Q2 all parts in notebook (Ex 2.3 of Book) Ex 2.3 is on Page 30 (2nd Ed) and Page 49 (3rd Ed).

Tuesday - 20Aug-2024


Complete the paragraph on parts of speech at home..

Monday - 19Aug-2024


Solve integer question (pg1 and 2 of resource handout) in copyParts : f, g, h, i, j, o, p.