+92 (0)3 128 551 836

Student Code of Conduct

The purpose of Student Code of Conduct is to set the context for a safe and productive learning environment by outlining expected behavior. If there is evidence that students have breached the Student Code of Conduct, the student Disciplinary Procedures will be applicable.

All the students must be punctual.

Late comers will not be permitted to enter the school.

Leave of absence (except in case of sickness) must be given in advance. In case of a prolonged illness, a medical certificate will be required along with the written application.

No student will leave school premises during school hours.

Every student must wear prescribed uniform daily. Uniform must be neat and clean.

Personal cleanliness is essential. Students should maintain neat & tidy appearance.

a) Nails should be trimmed short and kept clean.

b) Nail polish is not allowed.

c) Teeth must be thoroughly brushed.

d) Hair must be thoroughly combed.

e) Boys should have their hair cut short.

f) Girls with hair longer than shoulder length should keep them tied up.

g) Only black & white headgear / trimmings are allowed to be worn.

h) Wearing of ornaments like rings / bracelets / lockets etc is not allowed. Girls may wear simple earrings. Heels are not allowed.

No expensive jewelry / pencil cases / stationery items / lunch boxes are allowed to be brought to school. School will not be responsible for the loss of these articles.

Male students are not allowed to wear expensive watches, fancy belts, caps, hats, scarves or any other ornaments.

Large amount of money should not be brought to school. The school will not be responsible for any loss of clothes, books, money or other items.

In case of any damage done to school property, furniture, walls, windows, class room furniture, library or computer lab resources etc, the student responsible will compensate for it.

There will be no exchange of video / video games / CD’s/ DVD’s / books or any gift items.

MOBILE PHONES ARE STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. No student is allowed to bring cell phone / iPad/ iPod/Tablet/Netbook/laptop. In case of violation of school rules, cell phone will be taken into custody by the Principal and a penalty will be imposed.

No parcels / lunch boxes / books etc will be entertained by the school office during the school hours. All students must bring along all their items once they enter school in the morning.

Students must observe positive behavior. Use of abusive language or disrespectful behavior, violence will be dealt with strictly.

Students must always show respect to teachers, faculty members, school administration and other students.

Cheating or plagiarism in academic course work or in examinations will be dealt with strictly.

Smoking within the school building, or parking area is strictly forbidden and is dealt with firmly. It may even lead to withdrawal from school without further notice.

Behavior or actions that simply lead to with/drawl from school without further notice:

a) Any conduct which constitutes a criminal offense.

b) Violent, indecent, disorderly, threatening, intimidating or offensive behavior or language.

c) Action likely to cause injury or impair safety.

d) Breach of the provisions of any School code, rule or regulation.

Boys and Girls are not allowed to talk to each other.

School administration reserves the right to expel the student on grounds of academic weaknesses, misconduct, ill-discipline and misbehavior without any show cause notice / warning.